Home / News / Why Women Live Longer Than Men In 50 Pics

Why Women Live Longer Than Men In 50 Pics

Science tells us that women live longer than men for a whole host of reasons, but the most important one is that women don’t even do half of the ridiculously dumb things that men do. Seriously, what were you guys thinking?

It goes a lot deeper than forgetting to look both ways before crossing the street. Men’s frontal lobes, the part of the brain that deals with decision making and risk assessment, develop slower than women’s. In short, men are basically doomed by nature and testosterone to be walking accidents waiting to happen. Have fun with that!

We’ve previously given you proof here, but this latest evidence will leave no room for doubt. Share this with the man in your life that likes to live on the edge. If he’s too busy doing life-threatening activities to read it, just sit back and enjoy your additional time on Earth.


Man with an arrow through sleeve and boy holding a bow sitting in a waiting area, illustrating why women live longer than men.


Man precariously reaching for stars on a "Think Safety First!" sign; demonstrates why women live longer than men.


People on a rooftop with a trampoline, illustrating why women live longer than men in daring situations.


Man appearing relaxed while contemplating, with humorous text on stressful video game choice.

Police officer leaning on a shotgun in a newspaper article about safety practices, highlighting why women live longer.


Man wearing a red hard hat over a white headscarf, highlighting why women live longer than men.



Man on a tall ladder cutting a tree branch with a chainsaw, showcasing risky behavior illustrating why women may live longer.


Man standing precariously on walls to change light bulb, illustrating why women live longer.


Man precariously cleaning a high-rise window without safety gear, illustrating why women live longer than men.


Man precariously standing on an open window ledge of a building, balancing with one hand on the wall.


Man peering out window with large icicles, illustrating why women live longer than men in risky situations.


Men carrying large bamboo poles on motorbikes, illustrating risky behavior often cited in discussions on longevity differences.


Man performing electrical work in muddy conditions, highlighting risky behavior linked to longevity differences between genders.


Man balancing on a ladder while fixing a window air conditioner unit.


Man in a red shirt standing dangerously on a door edge while painting a high wall.


Man on scooter carrying large TV box in traffic, highlighting men's risky behaviors.


Man balancing on a risky setup over a pool, highlighting why women live longer.


Two men on a motorcycle, one wearing a bucket as a helmet and the other in a hard hat; illustrating gender lifespan humor.


Man in plaid shirt using angle grinder with plastic bag on head, illustrating why women live longer than men.


Men working dangerously on a suspended platform tied with ropes, illustrating risky behaviors in work settings.